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Space Exploration: Dreams, and Advances in Science and Technology. Sant’Anna School and 46ª Brigata Aerea announce a workshop taking place on February 7, 2018

Publication date: 16.01.2018
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Since ancient times, humans have gazed up at the stars and explored a multiplicity of universal themes, from the human condition to physical and spiritual boundaries. Over the last decades, human and robotic space exploration has enabled us to enrich our understanding of the universe.

The workshop about human space exploration as a popular and enduring theme “Lo spazio: una storia umana di sogni, scienza e tecnologia” brings together a broad community of stakeholders from Italian Air Force, Italian Space Agency, industry and academia. The workshop organized by Sant’Anna School and 46esima Brigata Aerea dell’Aeronautica Militare will take place on Wednesday, January 7 at 9.00 am (Sant’Anna School aula magna).

At the event, participants will have the opportunity to hear from Professor Pierdomenico Perata, rector of Sant’Anna Schhol, Girolamo Iadicicco, Commander of 46esima Brigata Aerea, and Roberto Battiston, President of the Italian Space Agency to better understand the evolving technology advancements (in physics, photonics, molecular biology and economics) and discuss the industry approaches. The workshop provides a basis for engagement with organizations, industry, academia and government agencies to learn about more sophisticated rockets capable of launching larger payloads (weather and communications satellites), propulsion systems - nuclear, electric, solar, photon, laser, which will shape the future of spaceflight.

The workshop focuses on the activities of top scientists in astrophysics, cosmology, geosciences and planetary sciences. The first session starts at 9.30 am introducing “Osservare l’universo con le onde gravitazionali nella terra di Galileo” by Giovanni Losurdo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare VIRGO - Virgo is a giant laser interferometer designed to detect gravitational waves); Simona Gallerani (Scuola Normale Superiore) gives her talk on “Alla scoperta di galassie e buchi neri lontani tramite telescopi spaziali” and Andrea Tiengo (Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia) gives his speech on “Variabilità dell'universo alle alte energie: tesori nascosti nei dati di un satellite diciottenne”.

The second session starts at 10.50 am with a focus on spaceflights “Dal volo all'esplorazione spaziale. Il passato, il presente, il futuro” by Walter Villadei (Italian Air Force); “Ragnatele di luce nello spazio” by Antonella Bogoni (Sant'Anna School) and “Navigare nello spazio spinti dal sole” by Giovanni Mengali (Università di Pisa).

The third session focuses on the effects of microgravity: “Fisiopatologia dell'uomo in volo” by Marco Lucertini (Reparto Medicina Aeronautica e Spaziale, Aeronautica Militare) and “Biologia dello spazio, per capire meglio come funzionano i viventi sulla Terra” by Debora Angeloni (Sant'Anna School). The Dean of the Faculty of Experimental Sciences at Sant'Anna School, Mario Enrico Pe’, professor of genetics, will act as moderator.